After I graduated from college, I started working in the medical sales. People often asked how I ended up in this career, but the truth is...I knew it was a lucrative career. I was told it was a tough job to get and that just made me want to prove that I could do it. This led me to make enough money to support my Prada habit, without maxing out credit cards and still allowing me to be sensible financially. I was young, making money, with great friends, and a career which I hated. It wasn't that my job was a terrible job but rather that it wasn't the job for me. I wasn't stimulated...I loved to problem solve, I loved numbers, and I didn't love my job. So I decided to go back to school and make a career change.....This led to a great new career (which has nothing to do with shopping) and a LOVE for bargain hunting~
Just to keep my story short...basically my bargain hunting skills were procured when I realized I was underwater financially (when I made the decision to go to school full time in LA, I didn't take into consideration the cost of moving from Ohio, where my downtown loft cost $100,000 to Los Angeles, where you cant find a parking space for $100,000. )
I decided to sell some of my stuff on EBay, old clothes, purses, and even a broken computer. My love of shopping and designer bags didn't let up but inner "financial sense" preventing me from ever buying anything....that is until I realized how i could make money off of my shopping skills. I started flipping sale items on eBay (selling items I found at a discount.) Soon my bills were paid, my 401K was maxed, and I was shopping for fun (and for business.) I would find a great purse, or designer jeans at a super price, and sell them on EBay for more...
I admit this sounds easier than it was--I didn't always sell for more and if I didn't love shopping, it wouldn't have been worth it. (Friends who tried to emulate selling on EBay had high expectations and didn't realize that the work/money ratio wasn't great unless you loved the work part--aka shopping!) I never wanted this to be my full time career...and it isn't.. But the love of bargain hunting is a fun game for which I can buy those totally ridiculous indulgence with a clear financial conscience. Although I don't regularly sell on EBay now, I still cannot walk away form a great deal. I still occasionally list on EBay which supports my love of unjustifiably expensive purse/shoes without having a negative financial impact on my budget.
But what I really enjoy about it is helping my friend, family, etc. buy shop for less and the surprise when people realize just how they can find exactly what they want...for a steal!